
Ahmet H. Uysal

Ahmet H. Uysal güneş amblemi.

Ahmet H. Uysal was born in Adana in 1972. He graduated from Robert College, Istanbul Technical University Department of Civil Engineering and Boston College, Department of Finance.

He started his professional career at Bechtel Group and worked in various projects within the scope of nuclear power plant revisions, Chernobyl safety shield and nuclear disarmament treaty. Between 2002 and 2014, he worked as the representative of Eti Maden İşletmeleri for the Far East sales and marketing of refined boron chemicals. Since 2000, he has been managing various investments in the food and beverage sector.

For 30 years, he has been actively involved in extreme sports and long distance running. As a donation runner for the Education Volunteers Foundation of Türkiye, he ran the North Pole Marathon in 2017, across Turkey in 2018 and the World Marathon Challenge in 2023. He is married to Maika Endo and has 3 children.

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