
Our Human Resources Approach

Our Human Resources Approach sayfa görseli.
Our Human Resources Approach güneş amblemi.

TEGV with its innovative and dynamic organization aims to be a pioneer among Non-Governmental Organizations.

Our Human Resources mission is to establish fair, balanced and development-oriented systems within the organization that allow long-term planning.

Our Human Resources Policy

  • Developing objective practices by acting in line with the principles of transparency, clarity, and justice,
  • Ensuring that people suitable for TEGV culture are placed in the right position at the right time,
  • Establishing the systems supporting the goals and strategies of our foundation, and ensuring that high performance is rewarded,
  • Making training plans in line with the development needs of the employees in a way to support our medium and long-term business plans,

Creating a working environment to act in accordance with the mission, vision and values of the Foundation by developing practices that protect the rights of the employee and the Foundation in accordance with the law.

With its human resources approach, TEGV,

recruits people who are suitable for TEGV's culture, have a high level of education, are open to innovation and change, are dynamic, have the potential to develop themselves and their business, can work in teams, and have social sensitivity,

creates a working environment for the Foundation to act in accordance with its mission, vision, and values by developing practices that respect the rights of the employee and the Foundation in accordance with the law.

The main principle in candidate selection and job placement is to give equal opportunity to those who have the competencies required by the job (knowledge, skills, behaviour) and who will adopt and live the values of the Foundation, without making any discrimination or giving any privileges.

In order to maintain an objective candidate selection, the science based selection tools with proven validity and reliability are used.

Our Employee Profile

In line with our principle of positive discrimination, approximately 55% of our employees are women.

As TEGV, we have a staff that is innovative, dynamic, sensitive to social problems, idealistic, knowledgeable, and wholeheartedly believes in our principles. Nearly half of our employees have a seniority of more than 5 years and approximately 85% are graduates of High School and University.


We make long-term investments in Human Resources. For this purpose, in addition to digital training content, which is open to all our employees, we implement training programs tailored to their needs within the annual training plan.

We apply our three-stage Orientation and Adaptation Program to new recruits.

Central Orientation Phase

On-the-job Support Phase

Support Phase at Other Activity Point

The purpose of our orientation program is to efficiently convey the culture and functioning of our Foundation to our newly recruited employees at the right time, and to enable them to adapt to the job as quickly as possible.

Career and Talent Management

In order to ensure organizational business continuity in our foundation, assessments are carried out within the scope of the Organizational Continuity Management System, which aims to systematically evaluate, identify and develop employee talent. Promotions within the foundation are carried out in this direction.

Open positions within the foundation are first shared with our employees through internal announcement. If the candidates applying for the position meet the required qualifications, the decision is made in line with the performance assessment results, interview reports and other evaluation centre practices.

Our foundation also attaches importance to the employment of people who have been TEGV children and/or volunteers in the past.

Performance Assessment

After determining the Foundation strategy, the annual performance targets of the institution, department targets and individual performance targets are generated through dispersion from top to bottom.

Areas of improvement are identified by considering performance results through mid-term and year-end evaluations. The outputs obtained form the input to the training and improvement plans.

Remote Working

At TEGV, the hybrid method, which allows partially remote working, can be applied in the positions which have suitable job content.

Wage Policy

In the light of the responsibility of providing community service and the added value that each lira it holds will bring to the society, TEGV's wage management system has been meticulously planned and implemented with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The wage system has been established in a structure that is based on the assessment of job-based work instead of the person, with internationally valid, independent and objective criteria, the determination of groups and levels according to the details and scope of these duties, and comparison of these levels with market wages of similar levels.

On one hand, the main purpose of the wage system is to protect the financial interests of the Foundation, and on the other hand, it is to reach a structure in which the principle of fair and equal pay for equal work is valid for its employees. The performance evaluation system being implemented also supports this purpose through reward systems by ensuring that high and low performance employees are identified according to objective criteria.

In addition to the gross wage, our employees are provided with benefits such as health insurance, meal allowance, road support, mobile phone and internet as they may need.

Organizations that support TEGV's present and future:

We thank them for their donations to the development processes of TEGV Human Resources.

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