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Türkiye Education Volunteers Foundation Support Line
Türkiye Education Volunteers Foundation Headquarters
Türkiye Education Volunteers Foundation Support Line
Türkiye Education Volunteers Foundation Headquarters
Data Controller
We would like to inform you, our esteemed donors and clients, within the framework of our disclosure obligation under the KVKK, and in accordance with the Clarification Text On The Protection And Processing Of Personal Data ( " Clarification Text") about our liability to protect your personal data with the title of ‘Data Controller’ by the Türkiye Eğitim Gönüllüleri Vakfı - Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey ( " TEGV' and / or ' Foundation'), within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (" KVKK") numbered 6698.
Within the scope of the KVKK, personal data includes any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”) and a special type of Special Quality Personal Data, such as race, ethnicity, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise. and clothing, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data (“Sensitive Personal Data”). In this context, the definition of Personal Data also includes your Sensitive Personal Data.
Legal Reasons for Collection and Processing Methods of Personal Data
Your Personal Data is collected automatically or manually, verbally, in writing or electronically and through the following methods and third parties, in connection with your transactions with TEGV and for the purpose and scope specified in Article 4 below. In this regard, the methods and means of collecting personal data are:
By means of your clicks, membership, registration procedures and on the website of the Foundation and through documents filled in during donation,
By means of the documents filled in at the events organized by the foundation or third parties and/or at the donation collection points of the foundation,
By means of the purchases made through TEGV Shop,
By means of suggestions, requests or complaints that you have sent to us verbally through the call center or in writing through the website of the Foundation, social media platforms and similar channels,
By means of satisfaction surveys filled by you,
By means of third parties that the Foundation receives services regarding its customers/donors and has a commercial partnership.
The legal reasons stated in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK regarding the processing of Personal Data are:
To have an express consent,
To have a clear stipulation in the law,
To have an obligation for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person or another person, who is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally recognized,
To process personal data in connection with the establishment or performance of a contract,
To have an obligation to fulfil the legal liabilities,
To have been publicised by the person concerned,
To have an obligation to process the data for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, and
To have an obligatin for the legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm any fundamental rights and freedoms.
Collection of Your Personal Data
The Personal Data we collect is your data that we process in proportion to the processing purposes we have stated in Section 4 below.
The Purpose of the Processing of the Personal Data
Your Personal Data is processed by TEGV for the following purposes, based on your express consent or in other cases legally permitted under the KVKK:
A real and/or cash donation within the scope of establishing the donor relationship (i.e., identity, contact, transaction, financial, transaction security information), (Legal reason: The establishment and performance of the Agreement being mandatory for the legitimate interests)
A thank you certificate within the scope of maintaining the donor relationship (i.e., identity, contact, donor transaction information), (Legal reason: It is mandatory for our legitimate interests)
Through TEGV Shop and for the shipment of purchased products (i.e., identity, contact, transaction security, customer transaction information), (Legal reason: Establishment and performance of the Agreement)
Processes regarding the return of the products within the scope of providing AS support services through TEGV Shop (i.e., identity, contact, transaction, transaction security, suggestions, requests, complaints information) (Legal reason: performance of the contract, fulfilment of our legal obligations, establishment of a right, data processing is mandatory for its use and protection, it is made public by the person concerned)
Processes regarding the financial and accounting after donations and shopping through TEGV Shop, and fulfilling tax and other legal obligations (incl. donation receipts, sales invoices) in this regard (i.e., identity, contact, finance, donor transaction, customer transaction information), (Legal reason: Data processing being clearly stipulated in the laws, the performance of the contract, the establishment, exercise or protection of a right)
Processes regarding the donation incentives and product marketing activities within the framework of TEGV activities, and in this context, contacting electronically or via telephone (i.e., identity, contact, donor transaction, customer transaction, transaction security, marketing information), (Legal reason: Explicit consent)
Identification and announcement of donations and donors to TEGV, with analysis studies in this direction, planning and management of marketing activities (i.e., identity, contact, donor transaction, marketing information) (Legal reason: Explicit consent)
Identification of purchases and the customers that use the TEGV Shop, with analysis studies in this direction, planning and management of marketing activities (i.e., identity, contact, donor transaction, marketing information) (Legal reason: Explicit consent)
Processes of satisfaction surveys in electronic and/or analogue means in order to increase the satisfaction of our donors/customers (i.e., identity, contact, donor transaction, customer transaction, professional experience, marketing, suggestion/request/complaint information) (Legal reason: Explicit consent)
Evaluation and follow-up of donor/customer requests, suggestions and complaints submitted via TEGV website, call center, social media platforms and similar channels (i.e., identity, contact, customer transaction, donor transaction, suggestion/request/complaint, social media account information) (Legal reason: Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right)
The announcements regarding events, projects, meetings and similar activities carried out within TEGV, sending event invitations, magazines, annual reports, agendas (i.e., identity, contact, marketing information) (Legal reason: Explicit consent)
The processes of following up and resolving legal disputes (i.e., identity, contact, legal action, customer transaction, donor transaction, transaction security, suggestion/request/complaint information), (Legal reason: Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, legitimate obligatory for our interests)
Informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations in the context of fulfilling legal obligations and requests of administrative authorities (i.e., identity, contact, customer transaction, donor transaction, legal transaction, transaction security, suggestion/demand/complaint information), (Legal reason: To fulfil our legal obligations brought)
In addition, your credit card and debit card information (within the framework of security measures) is processed by licensed business partners of TEGV for the purpose of completing payment transactions in a secure manner.
Transferring the Personal Data
Where permitted by law (and for the purposes set out in Article 4), TEGV may transfer and/or open access to your personal data in the country or abroad, with the people who cooperate and/or receive services in sales, marketing, call center, customer/donor relations, legal, accounting, software, research and similar fields and other third parties for whom the transfer is necessary for the specified purposes, such as the authorized institutions and organizations and, upon request, to the judicial authorities or the relevant law enforcement authorities in order to resolve legal disputes and fulfill the obligations arising from the legislation by (SMS and e-mail sending, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), advertising, social media, public relations and cloud computing, backup, software support companies and so on).
Rights of the Personal Data Owner under Article 11 of the KVKK
As the owner of the personal data, you can request your rights stated below pursuant to Article 11 of the KVKK, from TEGV, which is the Data Controller, at any time.
The rights you have in this context are:
To find out whether your personal data is processed or not,
To request information if your personal data has been processed,
To find out the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is used appropriately,
To be informed about the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at national or international levels,
To request any kinds of correction on your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this framework to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
To request the deletion, destruction or anonymization of this data within 30 (thirty) days in accordance with the Regulation on the Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data, and to notify the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred, in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the KVKK and other relevant legal requirements,
To object to the emergence of a result against yourself by means of analysing your data exclusively through automated systems,
To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of your personal data.
The above-mentioned requests will be submitted to TEGV as the data controller in writing or by other methods to be determined by the Board.
You can send your request regarding your rights above to our e-mail address, which may change from time to time, given below with secure electronic signature and mobile signature with your registered electronic mail (KEP) address, or by using your e-mail address previously notified to TEGV by you and registered in TEGV's system (by attaching documents identifying your identity) or you can deliver it by hand with documents identifying your identity and a petition with a wet signature, or send it through a notary public to our mailing address below, which may change from time to time.
In order to use your rights as a personal data owner, which are stated above, it is necessary that the subject you request is clear and understandable, the subject you request is related to you or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you must be specifically authorized in this regard and this authority must be documented and you must include your identity and address information in the application containing the explanations regarding the right you will request to use.
TEGV shall finalise the requests included in the application free of charge, as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest (if there is no cost), depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged. If the answers to the applications exceed 10 (ten) pages, a processing fee of 1.00 (one) TL will be charged for each page. If the answer is requested to be given in a recording medium such as CD, flash memory, a fee will be charged according to the cost of the requested recording media.
Data Controller :Education Volunteers Foundation of Turkey
Postal Address :Kosifler İş Merkezi, İçerenköy Mah. Askent Sok. No: 3/A / K.10, 34752 Ataşehir /İstanbul
E-mail:[email protected]
Within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK”), I give my consent to the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (“TEGV” or “Foundation”), to share my identity, communication, donor transaction, customer transaction, transaction security, marketing information, for the processing of announcements and calls, and the sending of event invitations to journals, annual reports and agendas with my identity, contact, marketing information regarding events, projects, meetings and similar activities carried out and/or to be carried out within TEGV in order to carry out donations, incentives and product marketing activities within the framework of TEGV's activities, and within this scope, to establish contact via electronic means or telephone; for the purpose of identification and announcement of my identity, communication, donor transaction, marketing information, donations made to TEGV and donors and conducting analysis studies in this direction, planning and execution of marketing activities; for the purpose of determining my identity, communication, customer transaction, marketing, professional experience information, shopping made through TEGV Shop and customers, conducting analysis studies in this direction, planning and managing the execution of marketing activities; my identity, communication, customer transaction, donor transaction, professional experience, marketing, suggestion/request/complaint information, TEGV donors/customers and for the purpose of conducting satisfaction surveys in electronic and/or physical environments.
I accept that TEGV may share my personal data with other third parties in the country or abroad for which the transfer is necessary, and/or make it accessible to such persons, based on my express consent, for the above-mentioned purposes with consultancy firms that cooperate and/or receive services and support in sales, marketing, call centre, customer/donor relations, law, accounting, software, research and similar fields related to TEGV's activities, and for specified purposes via (SMS and e-mail, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), advertising, social media, public relations and cloud computing, backup, software support companies, etc.).
Donor/Client First and Last Name:
I accept that the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey sends commercial electronic messages to my contact information provided by myself for all direct and/or indirect marketing and fundraising purposes such as launching, information, advertisement, promotion regarding TEGV events, projects, meetings and similar activities and products.
Donor/Client First and Last Name: